NIST potential IoT data actions

NIST potential IoT data actions

NIST provides potential IoT data actions as;

a. Transducing – IoT devices have the ability to generate data through interactions with the physical environment. Each IoT device has at least one of the two types of transducers: Sensors and Actuators.

b. Interfacing – IoT devices have the ability to interact with other devices over networks or human beings to generate data. IoT devices can interact with people via Human User Interfaces (like screens, microphones, speakers and cameras), Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and/or Network Interfaces (Bluetooth, Infrared, Wi-Fi and Ethernet).

c. Supporting and Management – IoT devices achieve this through several ways including IoT device management and generation of logs (for debugging and auditing).

d. Big Data generation – Through networks majorly, IoT devices connect to other devices including personal computers, servers, data centers, embedded devices, Artificial Intelligence systems and other IoT devices to generate enormous amounts of data that continues to grow exponentially. Big data upon analysis can provide valuable actionable intelligence.



NIST potential IoT data actions
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